Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I am from...

I spent a wonderful afternoon with family. It included iron skillet fried chicken, hot ginger tea, and great conversation. We had an old-fashion-Sunday- afternoon- porch- sitting kind of day (except it was inside and Tuesday)!

 You never know where days like these will lead. This one led to Mom and me reading some of her writings and inspiring me to sit and write a poem of my own based on one of her poems. I am subjecting you to it so I will have a permanent record and not be afraid to share a piece of my heart. (I also needed something to start back writing after a 11 month break :)!

Here goes my poem entitled "I am from..."

I am from small towns,
   Small courthouses in the town squares,
   Small service stations on the corners,
   Small churches around every block.

I am from Sunday School, VBS, church camp,
   "Jesus Loves Me"
   "Th B-I-B-L-E"
   "This Little Light of Mine"

I am from hymns drifting through the house, the sanctuary, the air outside,
   "How Great Thou Art"
    "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing"
    "Amazing Grace"

I am from a coffee drinking, pulpit preaching, Christ serving dad.


I am from a wish making, piano playing, music loving mom!

So, where are you from?

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